Craftlines - Netherlands

Craftlines is the most specialized creative hobby supplier for retailers in Europe!



We have the widest catalogue of branded papercrafts products and colouring materials. We source the world to be in front of the trends. Our catalogue offers the latest upcoming brands and established brands in a mix of very dynamic and stable product lines.

We stock over 40.000 different products from more than 100 brands introducing on average 800 new releases every month.


Craftlines represents suppliers from all over the world keeping all products in stock in our warehouses. We are loyal to our suppliers by working on long term win win relationships offering complete ranges and not developing home branded products to undercut supplier brands. We ship from our distribution centre in Mijdrecht the Netherlands. We are fully dedicated and loyal to sell to small and midsize on- and off-line retailers because they are the backbone of the creative industry. This means we do not sell to large chain stores, television stations, online platforms or consumers.

Customers mostly appreciate us for:

  • The quality of our assortment
  • The availability of the products, excellent delivery rate (96%)
  • The speed of order processing
  • The reliability of the operation.
  • Fair and transparent pricing
  • Loyalty to all our customers


We have a professional hard working highly motivated team. Working on improvement on “how we do things” is part of our daily routine. We strive to operate better month by month. The staff works at Craftlines because they like to, it is a good and fun place to work.


As distributor Craftlines launched in September 2013 with a catalogue of 2.000 products. With the loyalty of a few suppliers and customers that stepped in the wagon straight away it has been a beautiful ride with year after year more happy customers, happy suppliers and happy employee’s. And this is just the beginning…


Craftlines B.V.

Vermogenweg 26
3641 SR Mijdrecht
The Netherlands

T +31 (0) 297 522 533

For all other questions


Vermogenweg 26
3641 SR Mijdrecht
