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Fight Cancer Clear Stamps (CS-845)

My Favorite Things Fight Cancer Clear Stamps (CS-845)
Description du produit

Tackling a tough adversary like cancer calls for a unswerving approach. In this encouraging alternative/complement to the Crush Cancer set, Fight Cancer gets to the heart of the matter, delivering powerful sentiments like "Fight Cancer," "Cancer Survivor," and "Cancer Free." Cancer is a formidable foe, but together, we strive for victory. Supporting your loved ones means speaking boldly, and these stamps say it all. In the battle against cancer, every action count...cheer those you love on to stand strong. Our clear stamps are made in the USA and include the name of the set on the sticker for easy identification. 3" x 4" clear stamp 6 piece set. Cancer 2 5/8" x 3/4"; fight 1 1/8" x 1"; slay 1 1/8" x 7/8"; free 1" x 5/8"; have hope 2 1/2" x 7/8"; survivor 2" x 1/4".

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